Aug 30, 2021
Allison Williams is the owner of two successful businesses—Williams Law Group and Law Firm Mentor. Allison grew her law firm from a startup to $3M in only 3½ years by learning how to sell. Through Law Firm Mentor and her podcast, Crushing Chaos with Law Firm Mentor, she provides coaching to solo and small-firm...
Aug 27, 2021
Aug 26, 2021
In this Silver Dollar episode, we’re sharing some of our top secrets for how we sell at conferences and trade shows. We’ll explain what we do before, during, and after an event to ensure we always leave with a satisfying ROI, having earned more than we spent every time.
And don’t forget to check out the show notes...
Aug 23, 2021
Image what life would be like if your current clients brought you all the leads you’d ever need. It’s not only possible—it’s been done! Marc Minor is the founder and CEO of Legacy Investment Services, which serves financial advisors and investors through its businesses, including Advisor Nation and Advisor...
Aug 19, 2021
Mahsheed Parsons (formerly Barghisavar) is an exceptionally down-to-earth real estate agent whose success in the Las Vegas luxury market can be attributed, in large part, to her never-ending efforts to brand herself. Listen and find out how she uses Instagram to generate leads, how marketing to luxury clients requires...