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Stay Paid - Real Estate Marketing

May 18, 2020

Sam Bakhtiar is a doctor, CEO, world-class body builder, and a multi-millionaire entrepreneur. He runs the Camp Transformation Center, a fitness franchise business with over 100 locations, as well as two supplement and nutrition companies. He has helped over 100,000 people transform physically and mentally, and he specializes in helping people get to the top 1 percent in all aspects of their lives. His 1% Club helps others get to the top 1 percent by rising above, and he is also the author of the popular books Total Body Transformation Secrets and Becoming A One-Percenter: The 99 Keys to Mastering Your Life and Rising to the Top.

On today’s episode of Stay Paid, Bakhtiar explains how discipline and time management can help you reach the top 1 percent of your potential.  

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