Jan 18, 2019
For Stay Paid podcast, 2018 was a year full of great conversations. Hosts Joshua Stike and Luke Acree picked the brains of thought leaders of all stripes—from real estate moguls and financial experts to social media influencers and insurance agents. Earlier this week, we shared highlights from four of the year’s best interviews. Today, our look back at 2018 concludes with four more.
Andy Dane Carter – Investment Specialist
Full episode:
Key Quote: “There are people that really want to know your journey.”
Key Point: Posting 10-20 times per day to your Instagram Story increases your ranking in the algorithm and makes your posts more visible.
In a matter of months, Andy Dane Carter grew his Instagram following exponentially. Following advice from his friend, entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk, he decided to focus his online strategy on the continually growing platform. When his initial attempts failed to gain much traction, he decided to let his real self shine through—using his Instagram stories as a daily vlog. People responded in a big way.
Jillian McGowan – Insurance Agent
Full episode:
Key Quote: “Pain has purpose.”
Key Point: Find your niche and work hard to become the go-to person in your area.
Jillian McGowan saw her business garner a great deal of success in only a year’s time. Before she started her own company, she was pulling huge numbers in both the sales and insurance departments at a motorcycle shop. When she wasn’t financially rewarded for her efforts, she “took a leap of faith” by opening her own agency. She’s succeeded by going the extra mile in a niche market, building relationships with salespeople who, in turn, helped grow her business.
Leonard Schiffman – Broker/Owner, Direct Realty
Full episode:
Key Quote: “Through commitment and consistency, you gain confidence.”
Key Point: It takes time to grow your network and develop into a successful salesperson.
Growing your sphere can be difficult when you’re starting from ground zero. As a self-described introvert, it wasn’t easy for Leonard Schiffman to put himself out there. He used American Lifestyle magazine as a networking tool, leading to him building better relationships and more. Today, he cites ReminderMedia as a major resource for salespeople looking to get more leads.
Sina Azari – Founder, Present Financial
Full episode:
Key Quote: “I’m going to get uncomfortable and lead the initiative of how the industry needs to start marketing.”
Key Point: It’s important to embrace current technology in your marketing efforts.
As a co-founder of Present Financial, Sina Azari is viewed as an expert in marketing to millennials. He believes many of the larger insurance companies are stuck in routines they mastered before the “new era,” neglecting tools and platforms that didn’t exist 10 years ago. He’s succeeded by embracing these tools and platforms, where others have failed.
Action Items:
For more on each of the topics covered in this week’s show, click the links above for the full episodes. And, if you haven’t already, subscribe to Stay Paid on your favorite podcasting platform today!
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